Search for Cross ReferencesCross References are additional codes and names which can be given to your products so that products you sample or sell have a specific name and code for each customer and so your customers do not know your internal codes and names. You can use ‘Manage Cross References’ to search for items supplied to specified customers, supplied within a date range and other searches. This is generally useful, as it’s a quick way to see history for items associated with customers. In an established system, the cross reference history can be a useful source of data to use in several other ways. For example:
You search for cross reference in ‘Manage Cross References’. There are several search criteria which can be used and combined. Example Search – Find all products sampled to a customer between two dates and use the results Pre-requisite: last sample date must be available in Formpak. Last sample dates are available if samples are supplied using Formpak, or if last sample date is imported to Formpak. In this search, we have selected to search for cross references where the last sample date is between 18th May 2019 and 2020; for company Big Customer HQ, and also selected to ‘Include Belonging Parties’. In the results above, we see entries for both Big Customer HQ and Big Customer UK – this is because we selected to ‘Include Belonging Parties’. Examples of how to use search for Cross Reference results: