Process for adding a New Project
More about project options Primary Party – This is the primary customer or company who the project is for. Smart search will respond to name or code, then select the party from the list. Project Name – Type the name or description of the project. Relating Project – Using smart search, enter a name or code of a previous project to record that this new project relates to a previous one. Project Manager – Select a project manager using smart search Delivery Party – This is the party to whom the project results are to be sent. The most common key result of a project are samples. Smart search will respond to name or code, then select the party from the list. Contact Name – The Contact Name of the person to whom the project results are to be sent Date Required – The date the project is targeted for completion Focus Items – Enter items which are relevant to the project. For example, if a customer wants a sample to be re-worked, you can enter that product here. Focus Applications – Enter the application and dosage which are relevant to the project. You can list all relevant applications and dosages, and this can be used with suitability checking and other features. Sample requirements are entered in the Tasks of the project and don’t have to be the same as Focus Applications. Properties – Enter any properties which are required. It is possible to remove Properties if allowed for in the Project Template. It’s also possible to add properties to a project by clicking the ‘+’ symbol Notes – Add any notes or requirements of the project. This can be very brief or be a complex set of requirements. Additionally, attachments can be added to a project e.g. a word document, pdf or other document which gives additional information about the project requirements. Add Attachment – On the Attachments Tab, select Add Attachment. In the pop up box select which part of the project the attachment belongs to, for example attachments can belong to Tasks or Projects. Then select the Attachment Type, type in the name you want to assign to your attachment, enter a description if liked. Use ‘Browse’ to find the file on your system and click ‘Save’ to upload it as an attachment. Tasks – Tasks are allocated to users from the project. On the Tasks tab, click on the task of interest and press Edit. Enter the appropriate details, e.g. Date Required, Assign To and other details as needed. Press Save when done. |