
Determine the level of important raw materials

Adding a property to determine the level of important raw materials Although the composition of raw materials and formulations are easily accessible, there may be certain raw materials which are high priority and you want to actively display the level present. To do this, you use properties and you can calculate levels as percentages or ppm or other values. The two key methods follow: Add a new property e.g. ‘Ethanol Percentage’ as a percent property, calculated = yes, based on metho...
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Development Job Overview

Development Job Overview Development jobs help manage work done by formulation developers. When using ‘Add a New Formulation’ a Development job is created at the same time and contains additional details about the formulation development (if entered). Once a development job has been added a User can be assigned to work on it. Users can find jobs using ‘Search for Development Jobs’ and from the results page can perform most development job actions. Other actions can be per...
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Enter LC50 Values for Raw Materials

Enter LC50 Values for Raw Materials This is a brief guide to entering LC50 values for raw materials on to Formpak to facilitate mixture calculations for inhalation toxicity relating to GHS and Safety Data Sheets. Background in GHS GHS refers to different types of airborne ‘stuff’: gases, vapours, dusts/mists. The units in GHS for these different forms are gases ppmV, vapours mg/l and dusts/mists mg/l. The calculation to estimate the ATE Inhalation requires the airborne form and the u...
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EUH208 Phrase – differences between Raw Materials and Formulations

EUH208 Phrase – differences between Raw Materials and Formulations There is a different rule in the regulation (and therefore Formpak) for raw materials vs formulations for phrase EUH208 of CLP. This means EUH208 will appear automatically for Formulations but not for Raw Materials. EUH208 phrase is “Contains (name of sensitising substance). May produce an allergic reaction”. For additional background the CLP Regulation in ATP No. 286/2011 says: “Article 2.8. Mixtures cont...
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Explode, Simplify and Explode Everything functions in the CDT

Explode, Simplify and Explode Everything functions in the CDT When viewing or adding formulation compositions you can adjust the structure in many ways. A common request is to flatten/explode/open out sub-formulations. To explode sub-formulations such as dilutions and bases, you can use ‘Explode’ or ‘Explode Everything’. To use Explode: Highlight the formulation in the CDT, select ‘Explode’ from ‘Other menu’ > the application will explode the ta...
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Find Matching Items Tips

Tips on how to use Finding Matching Items Find Matching Items can be used to find pretty much anything! You can combine different criteria in the search, check suitability and print the results in a format you choose. A few tips to follow for some of the search areas: NAME: You can use ‘wild cards’ in the Name search to closer match what you were after. Examples: “rose” means “rose”(in upper or lower case) anywhere “=rose” means begins with “...
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Changing a Formulation into a Raw Material (and Vice Versa)

Changing a Formulation into a Raw Material (and Vice Versa) This process will show you how to change a formulation into a Raw Material and Vice Versa. Go to Change Item Class of Item Enter the Formulation and select Raw Material from the New Item Type drop-down list. Select a New Item Class from the drop-down list. Click Save. Go to View a Raw Material enter your code to show the newly created Raw Material. To change a Raw Material to a Formulation, select Formulation at step 2.   Last updated...
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Classification of a Formulation on Formpak vs supplier SDS

Classification of a Formulation on Formpak vs supplier SDS There’s a difference in classification between a formulation I’ve entered onto Formpak compared to the supplier who supplied the SDS and composition- how do I know which is right? As a general guide, if you have a difference between classifications this almost always means one or more of the following: The ingredients are not the same The ingredients don’t have the same hazards The ingredients are present at different p...
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Compare formulations side by side

How do I compare formulations side by side? When adding or viewing a formulation composition you choose Other Menus > Compare > search for the formulations you want to compare, click Add, then Compare. You’ll see the added formulation item are either mixed in with existing items are displayed underneath and a new column in generated. You will also see there is an additional row at the top of the formulation with details of the formulation too. You can print the side by side compariso...
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Composition Design Tool Keyboard Shortcuts

Composition Design Tool Keyboard Shortcuts The Composition Design Tool (CDT) is where components are added to formulations and raw materials. The CDT screens are slightly different for raw material and formulation versions. The formulation CDT is used when you Add a New Formulation The raw material CDT is used when you Add Composition to a Raw Material Keyboard Shortcuts in the CDT ‘Other Menu’:   Related Help: Composition Design Tool Overview Last updated July 2021...
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