
Suitability – Limit or ban ingredients based on property or hazard

How do I use suitability constraints to limit or ban ingredients based on their hazard or property? ‘Regulatory Item Property Limit’ allows you to target a property of an item, often a hazard, and limit it to a level or ban it altogether. These kinds of restrictions are typically customer requests. People often use this type of constraint to ban or limit raw materials with any CMR hazards, or to limit skin sensitisers. You can also limit based on other properties, e.g. Prop 65 or foo...
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Suitability Check in Find Matching Items

Suitability Check in Find Matching Items In Find Matching Items you have the option to include a Suitability Check as part of your search. This option is found in the ‘Library Details’ group. To access this group, you will need to click the double arrow ‘Expand’ button. Once the option is selected you are given the option to specify the Party, Application, Dosage and TO. First the system will find items matching the search criteria, then they will be checked against any s...
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Treat Complex Raw Material as Formulation

Treat Complex Raw Material as Formulation This is a useful setting if you purchase a mixture (which you buy as a ‘Raw Material’) and sell it to others. In order to use ‘Treat Complex Raw Material as Formulation’ it must first be enabled in Manage Application Settings To apply the Treat as Formulation option: Go to Modify a Raw Material Under Composition Tab, select Treat as Formulation = Yes Before the changes to the SDS will be implemented, it is required to recalculate...
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Undo Pending Changes

Using ‘Undo Pending Changes…’ This area can be used to return items back to their previous version. The Checked Out version of the item is removed and the last Checked In version is reinstated. Undo Pending Changes to Composition of a Raw Material Select a User to generate a list of Raw Materials in the process of having composition information added or edited. To change the status, select the Raw Material of interest from the list and select ‘Undo Pending Changes’...
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SDS Print Errors

SDS Print Errors These are common error message that appear whilst attempting to print Safety Data Sheets “CLPANN2SDSVALID is false” This occurs if a Flash Point and/or Recommended Use have not been entered for the focus item. In ‘Modify a Formulation’ or ‘Modify a Raw Material’ go to the Properties tab and use group ‘Physical Data’ to enter a temperature value for Flash Point and use group ‘Recommended Uses’ to add a Recommended Use. P...
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Search for an Item

Search for an Item ‘Search for Item’ allows you to search for items using specific or a combination of criteria. You can search using identification information such as Code, Cross Reference Code or Name, to find specific items: You can also search using the ‘Description’ and ‘Comment’ fields from the ‘Key Details’ tab of an item: You have the option to search by ‘Composition Type’ and / or specific Item Classes: You have options to sea...
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Search for Cross References

Search for Cross References Cross References are additional codes and names which can be given to your products so that products you sample or sell have a specific name and code for each customer and so your customers do not know your internal codes and names. You can use ‘Manage Cross References’ to search for items supplied to specified customers, supplied within a date range and other searches. This is generally useful, as it’s a quick way to see history for items associated...
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Showing the UFI on the CLP Safety Data Sheet

Showing the UFI on the CLP Safety Data Sheet Unique Formula Identifier (UFI) can be shown on the CLP Safety Data Sheet and CLP Safety Data Sheet Banded. This will show in Section 1.1 and section 2.2 of the CLP Safety Data Sheet. Process to show UFI in Section 1.1 Go to Modify a Formulation, enter your formulation In Properties, add the Property UFI under Property Group CLP Hazards and add your UFI as the value Process to show UFI in Section 2.2 Go to Modify a Formulation, enter your formulation...
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Specific Concentration Limits

Adding a CLP Specific Concentration Limit (SCL) to a Raw Material In the example shown there are Specific Concentration Limits (SCL’s) for skin and eye corrosion. Here are the general instructions about adding SCL’s for Acetic Acid The SCL’s are added to the properties which have ‘=’ at the end (the = properties relate to calculations). In the example of Acetic Acid the CLP Annex VI Harmonised Annex VI (1272/2008/EC) shows a classification of SCI 1A and related SCL&...
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Recursion Error

A recursion error is preventing me from printing a Safety Data Sheet A recursion error means a formulation or raw material has something in the composition which contains itself. This prevents a robust explosion to determine the product structure relevant for regulatory review because it creates a loop of explosions which would go on forever, to smaller and smaller quantities (a recursion error). To determine where the recursion is: go to “Print the Composition of an Item” and choose...
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