Documents & Reports

Concentration Limits on Safety Data Sheets

How to use Concentration Limits on Safety Data Sheets and how they are calculated Section 16 of a Safety Data Sheet can contain Concentration Limits for various hazards. These can be used to determine if a particular hazard should apply to a downstream product. Concentration Limits are related to Total Fractional Values (TFVs). Concentration Limits are given for hazards with TFVs of greater than or equal to one. Concentration Limts and Total Fractional Values are related in the following way: Co...
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Delete document versions

Delete document versions Background: When documents are authored for items such as raw materials and formulations, they can be automatically updated based on changes to key information. A document update results in a new version of the document being authored. This can sometimes be unexpected and you may want to delete the latest version. How to delete unwanted document versions: If you have an unwanted document version for an item, you can delete the current version to remove it. You can contin...
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Change IFRA Amendment Number

How to Change the IFRA Amendment number for IFRA Certificate Documents The fixed text of documents like IFRA Certificates can be changed using ‘Manage Document Content’. A brief guide follows, with more details available in the document for download. Go into Manage Document Content, enter some of the text which requires changing into the Content box and click Search. In the results select the row containing the text you want to change; press Edit. You are presented with the existing...
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Changing the Name and File name of a Document

Changing the Name and File name of a Document Within Formpak you can change the name of a Document and the file name when saving. For this example, a CLP Safety Data Sheet is being saved for Item FL-004. In View a Document Type, we can see that the Name of the Document is ‘CLP Safety Data Sheet’. The File Name Template field is blank, so the default file name will be the Document Type (Name) and the suffix of Code.   To change the name of the Document: Go to Modify a Document Ty...
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Adding a New TO

Process for adding a New TO Go to Add a New TO Enter Code e.g ‘FORM’ Enter Name e.g ‘Formpak’ Add any other details for the TO you feel relevant Click the Contact tab Click Add New Contact Fill out the relevant details of a contact within the company Click Save to save the contact Click Save again to save the new TO   Last updated Apr 2016...
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Adding REACH Registration Numbers

Adding REACH Registration Numbers Many global regions have raw material registration requirements as a condition of trade within their region. REACH is a European Union regulation and addresses the production and use of chemical substances. A registration number is evidence of the registration and is expected to appear on Safety Data Sheets. Registration numbers can be added to raw materials in the following way. Adding an EU REACH Registration Number. Navigate to the Modify a Raw Material. Clic...
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Adding TO details to a Document

Process for adding TO details to a Document Go to Manage Document Content In Document Design select document e.g ‘CLP Annex II SDS’ Click Add New Content Enter Code ‘bottomCompany.’ followed by the Code for the TO e.g. ‘bottomCompany.FORMPAK’ Enter the Name and Address into the Content as a single line Click Save Go to Manage Document Requirements for Party In Party enter the TO Click Add Select Document Type e.g ‘CLP Annex II SDS’ In the Sender bo...
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Analysis Report Types

Analysis Report Types Adding new or modifying in this area is recommended for use by experienced Formpak Users or Formpak personnel only due to the complexity. Please contact us if you require some assistance.   Last updated Jan 2018...
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Analysis Reports

Printing Analysis Reports Here you can generate a report for an Item, for example an “Item Physical Components with Property” report. Select the item using smart search. Select the report type using the drop down box and select ‘Print’. Standard varieties of report are: CLP Hazard Contribution by Component Report – Shows Components of an Item which contribute to the CLP Hazards of that Item and their contributions to the CLP Hazards of the Item, looking at each Comp...
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Appearance Properties and Translations

Appearance Properties and Translations The appearance of a raw material or mixture can be given on Safety Data Sheets and often on specifications too. Usually in Formpak, people add the property ‘Appearance’ and add text e.g. ‘Clear yellow liquid’. This works well for the majority, but to avoid spelling errors and inconsistencies, we have created a set of properties that users can select. This way it helps to avoid similar descriptions such ‘clear’ and ‘...
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